This website contains poetry and true stories about trauma, personality disorders, suicidal thoughts, self-harming, depression and other significant mental health issues, as well as personal stories of emotional neglect and physical and sexual abuse, which some people might find disturbing.

Poetry for Mental Health

Supporting people with mental health challenges by motivating and inspiring them to write poetry.


It's the time to fundraise, so PLEASE donate - we need to raise £2,500 (3000 USD) for the whole of 2025. It isn't much, so if everyone donated just £10.00 this year - (the equivalent to just 20 UK pence [30 US cents] a week!), we can carry on promoting, publishing and showcasing poetry for mental health into 2026. Please press the DONATE button for £10.00 (GBP), or the PayPal button for a different amount, or click the Crowdfunding GoFundMe link. Thank you so much; together we can keep supporting people around the world through words and poetry!

Poetry for Mental Health

"Poetry for Mental Health has supported thousands of people around the world through words and poetry!"

"Formed at the outbreak of COVID by helping people cope mentally by inspiring them to write poetry; four years, six books, hundreds of poets, and thousands of pieces of poetry later, we are still inspiring people to write poetry for positive mental health! With around 1400 visitors now each and every month, Poetry for Mental Health is now probably the largest and most visited website for poetry and mental health on the net!"



"No matter what your age, background and experience, culture or identity; whether an established writer with many published titles to your credit, or an aspiring poet who has never written a word of poetry in your life, our philosophy here is to embrace, welcome and support everyone, everywhere suffering from mental health challenges, and help you cope through words and poetry ... Get writing!"

Today's Featured Poetry

6th March, 2025.


By Anthony Ward


Why do I suffer twice?

Is it not enough to endure the difficulties

Without others having to make it more difficult.

I don’t understand why people have to put me down,

Is it because they think they are better than me?

But if they think they are better than me,

Then why do they feel the need to put me down,

Why aren’t they trying to put down those who think they are better than them?

Is it because they need to purge their inferiority against the inferior

That they’re too intimidated by the superior to stand against them,

Coyotes craving to be lions over the land

Picking on those they deem beneath them

In order to make themselves stand tall.

More Featured Poetry ...

On the themes of mental health, from poets around the world.

Poetry by: Andrew Farrow, Alexis W. H. Chung, John Victor, MZH, Shyla Register, Kelly Maida, Alex Vorhies, Kristian Ford, John Moody, Emmi-Heléna Daals, Acton Bell, Lynette Lim, Iris Taylor, Emily Astey, R. Schilke, Ruth Zwald, Maryellen Polikoff, Norma Zimmermann, Caroline Allen, Riley M. Frank, John Tunaley, Ashe, Mike Whiting, Gary Shulman, Abby Alexander, Ella Grimes, Sara Ponferrada Reed, Wynn Vu, Harriet Coppard, Mike Gosalia, Rabindra Anselm Mariathasan, Pam Ski, Garima Sachdev Kapoor, Joan Kantor, Jamie Gannon, Susannah Chatfield, Emma Follett, Nigel Pinhorn, Boakesey, Bella Hope Smith, Milena Dimitrova, Nivedita Karthik, Annette Towler, Lana, Tara Reyes, Donna McCabe, Tony Cooney, Peter W. Morris, Mark Andrew Heathcote, Paul Parker, Angus Shoor Caan, Duane Anderson, Shahida, Joan McNerney, C.W. Blackburn, David T. Culkin, John F. Zurn, Christine Botros, Francis H. Powell, Simon Drake, Dionne Risley, Roo Newsome, Sherri Levine, Kathleen Chamberlin, Tandra Mishra, Caroline Berry, Angela Masciale, Chris Stokes, Reno Mcgreggor Connelly, Vatsala Radhakeesoon, Martin Embree, Dan Healy, Tadgh Quill-Manley, Reuben Scott, Paulette Hampton, Dr. Sabrina Rubin, Donna Crossno, Sasha Irwin,

Bella Hope Smith, Lindsay Walter, Dale "Coyote" Johnson, Jennifer L. Alukonis, Alexander A. Henning, Emma Welch, Sophie Squires, Chris McClelland, Sasha Irwin, Faiqa Ali Chughtai, Hari Berrow, Annie Walsh, Andrea Mitchell, Victoria Fitzgerald, Mohammed Ali, Chad Boucher, Jason Kirk Bartley, Zack Benz, Jordan Claeys, Nicole Crossno, Valentina Fulginiti, Ethan Boyd, Heidi Hildeman, Oscar Lozano, Anthony Ward, Addie Suter, Dionne Risley, David M. White, PhD, Melissa W. Sorgi, Kyra Merryman, Hilary Canto,Amelia May Hart, Reese, Anneli Knight, Keila Cruz, Bhagvati Patel, Cynthia Foss, Amber Roeder, April Bulmer, Chelsea Garcia, Trish Lundy, Divya Paliwal, Jeanette Stephenson, Luke Preston, Autumn Johnson, Amy Harris, Braxsen Sindelar, Kristen Moody, Sindy Stern, Sam Hendrian, Deby Cedars, Kiran Harrar, William Gray, Ruben Smith, Crystal Hall, Diane Kennedy, Phil Griffiths, Nadine Dunseith, Cynthia Foss, Titan Sanchez, Alex Turner, Brielle Hoban, Aviva Lilith, Spruce Craft, Frea Wooten, Tim Boardman, Rosalynn Gildart, April Bartaszewicz, Prudence Massaria, Binod Dawadi, James Aitchison, Natalie Hussey, Kiran Harrar, and Amanda Hancock.

"Why is poetry so very good for people with mental health challenges? Because it helps them see the world in their own way, and in a way that makes sense to them.."

Robin Barratt


Click on the covers for further details of all our titles. With thousands of contributions from hundreds of writers and poets around the world, our anthologies are probably some of the largest collections on mental health ever published. Please buy a copy - ALL profits from the sales of our titles go towards promoting and publishing poetry for positive mental health.


  • MEN'S MENTAL HEALTH - Interviews, personal stories, short prose, and poetry focusing on men's mental health.
  • WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH - Interviews, personal stories, short prose, and poetry focusing on women's mental health.
  • MENTAL HEALTH WITHIN THE LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY - Interviews, personal stories, short prose, and poetry focusing on mental health within the LGBTQIA+
Our Books

“"No matter how bad something may seem at that moment in time when you feel all is lost, it can get better if you can only give it more time."

Lynda Tavakoli

Personal Journeys

In their own words, poets and writers write about their own personal journey with mental health.


Poetry for Mental Health chats to writers and poets about their journey with mental health.

NEW - Articles

Articles about poetry and positive mental health. MORE ONLINE SHORTLY.

Featured Poets

Featuring over 60 poets around the world, with up to six pieces of their work, and a little about the author and the stories behind their work.

"People can benefit from writing poetry because it can take the images and the talk in your head and transfer it to paper. It’s like getting the words out of your head so that they don’t linger there."

Nadine Dunseith

Directory of Support Services

Charities, groups and organisations worldwide offering mental health help and support to people in crisis.

Read more ...

Mental Health First Aid

Identifying warning signs of common mental health crisis, and how to guide a person towards safety and appropriate help. Read more ...

NEW - Classifieds

A great way to advertise your mental health related products and services to a global audience.

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Please donate and keep Poetry for Mental Health running for yet another year.

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Publishing Services

A fast, inexpensive way of getting your book independently self-published in paperback and Kindle, and distributed via your own global Amazon KDP platform.

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Be kept updated with our news and calls for submissions.

NOTE ON CONTRIBUTIONS: We publish mental health poetry from around the world, and for a number contributors to this website, English is not their first language. Unlike some other platforms, we don't heavily edit a poet's own work (if we did, it would then not be their own work!), so please focus on a poet's messages and meanings, and not necessarily on any grammatical mistakes or translated imperfections that may arise within their contribution.

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