A collection of interviews, personal stories, poetry and short prose from around the world on the themes of mental health.
DEADLINE ENDED - You can no longer contribute to this title.
You can submit up to SIX poems (although we may not publish them all). You can also write a little about each poem; what it means to you, why you wrote it, etc. Please also submit an author's biography (up to 150 words) and, at the end of your bio, any links/contact details you would like publishing (eg: e-mail, website, FB page, blog, Instagram etc).
Interviews and personal stories.
We are also looking for interviews and personal stories. These can be about mental health, writing poetry for mental health, or your journey with mental health.
We can e-mail you a list of general questions, which you can then reply to at your leisure and adapt according to your own personal circumstances and experiences.
Or you can simply write a piece of prose (written text) specifically about your own personal journey with mental health. Up to around 1500 words. Please also send a writers' biography, and any contact/social media details you don't mind being published with it - SEE ABOVE.
NOTE: We cannot re-publish poetry, interviews or personal journeys if they have already been published in any of our other books. However, material published on this website can be re-published in Vol.3, but please re-submit following the guidelines here.
IMPORTANT: We have young people contributing to these titles so no swearing or profanities of any kind, or anything of an adult nature. Any emails containing these items will be immediately deleted and you will not be able to contribute to further titles..
By submitting you agree for us to publish your work in this book, on this website, and/or on our Facebook page. You can submit under a pseudonym, or anonymously if you prefer. However, you do retain copyright and are free to publish your work anywhere else, and at any time after publication with us - we believe words about mental health issues should be read as widely as possible! We can also accept previously published work, as long as it credits where and when it was previously published, and that we have permission to re-publish.
Please try to send your submission/s altogether within one email, or as a .doc attachment to: Robin@PoetryForMentalHealth.org. Please do not send as a pdf file though, as they are sometimes difficult to cut and paste while keeping the correct format. Important: Please put SUBMISSIONS VOL.3 in the subject line so we don't get muddled up with other submissions.
IMPORTANT: If you have received an acceptance email regarding your submissions, you cannot then change or withdraw your submission as we immediately place all accepted submissions directly into paperback and Kindle formats.
We will normally acknowledge your submission within a few days, but please be patient - Poetry for Mental Health is run voluntarily and it receives a lot of emails every week, so it can sometimes take a while to get to everything!
ALSO IMPORTANT: We DO NOT send complimentary author's copies of the paperback; with so many authors from so many countries, firstly it would be logistically impossible, and secondly extremely expensive! Poetry for Mental Health receives no grants nor funding, and is run voluntarily in our own spare time, and any profits we make from the book go straight back into promoting and publishing poetry for mental health. However, we will of course, send a complimentary PDF e-book to everyone contributing.
Any questions?
Contact us.
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T/WhatsApp: (+44) 7508 833433
Email: Robin@PoetryForMentalHealth.org
Facebook: @Poetryandmentalhealth
Based in Norwich, Norfolk, UK