By Mohammed Ali
A tear leaves the ear
Carried by the wind
Rests on a Bear
The Bear wonders in despair
The Bear tears away in fear
Trembling in love of the spear
The spear tears the tear
From ear to ear
What is near, what is clear?
Which of the 2 ears will be the seer?
So many superstars, movie stars, evening stars
Yet no Light, no Sight, and no Insight
What Family, What Friend
What Neighbour, What Doctor
Blood is Water, Friend is a Fraudster
Neighbour is a labourer, Doctor is a Profiteer
Self is Mystery, Yesterday is Today
Today is elsewhere, Tomorrow is History
Village never raised itself or the Child
Lost child of a lost generation
The Wise cut the Weak
The Weak cut the Wrist
The Mental Asylum Normalised
Rather the Personalised
Industry Grew, the farmer Withdrew
IT revolution came, Attention Slew
AI revolution came. Took me and You
Now Society is back in dark ages
Knife goes from plate to the Wrist
Knife cuts wrists instead of Lamb
Now we are lambs to the Slaughter
Holy Pilgrimage followed by our sacrifice at the Altar
The Holy Communion is my Blood
The Holy Spirit speaks in my Tongue
While I have lost my Voice
My eyes lost in empty glare
The Waling wall laughs at me
The holy man casts me like a maggot
My Father is a Psychiatrist with a Fake degree
The devil takes shelter in my brother's beard
Civilised man doesn't meet eyes with a homeless man
The homeless hungry man eats the flesh of his brother
The crackhead whore sells her child for her next high
The ocean poured in a goblet, drink up or throw up!
ABOUT MOHAMMED: I was diagnosed in 2009 with bipolar disorder, and sectioned seven times. I also worked in mental health for about two and half years. I am currently sectioned.
By Chad Boucher
"Dedication: This poem is for anyone struggling with mental health illness or depression. You are not alone."
The beast within
He is I
And I am him
An eternal struggle
Until the race is done
The beast has won
But still I run
Faster and faster
But he is the master
The master of pain
And he feeds on mine
Feasting on my fears
But his face I can not find
Leaning into the mirror
Those eyes I start to recognize
Shame the face is mine
I've created him through all I know
The loneliness, empty pain and sorrow
Hold it in
Don't let him out
Do not let them hear your screaming shouts
We lie together in the darkness
Even with Hell lit candles
No light gets in
Constant reminders of my own sins
Wounds rot and fester
Emitting their sulfuric stench
Choking out desire and will to live
Hand in hand we sit
Trapped in a self made prison
Misery for want of company
Speaks to me
I'll keep you safe if you stay with me
All lies
This I know
Yet there is familiarity
And comfort in the dark
The steady relentless pain of my heart
Blindly searching in the dark
Seeking light
If just a spark
A tiny glimmer
Do I dare say
It seems so close
Yet feels so far
A doorway opened
The hallway long and daunting
The beast still behind me
Always haunting
I need to win
I must defeat
One battle at a time
To conquer the beast
Apply collar and leash
I am the beast master
No longer the latter
By Zack Benz
they’re gonna take them away
they’re gonna take them away
so steal a pack from the store
(just in case.)
the razor’s not sharp enough
the razor’s not sharp enough
need to get better blades
(just in case.)
what if I need them?
what if I need them?
silver release in my pockets
(just in case.)
it’s not deep enough
it’s not deep enough
prove I’m not a failure for once
(just in case.)
mom will be so sad
mom will be so sad
so toss that bloody towel in the trash
(just in case.)
i’m so sorry, I relapsed
i’m so sorry, I relapsed
yet I still protect my precious pain
(just in case.)
for when the storm above my bed
gets too loud, floods my head
I transform overflowing feelings into
dripping blood with a cool metal kiss
just in case.
ABOUT THE POEM: This poem was written to express the thought patterns and mindset of self-harm addiction. I feel like not many people are properly aware of how genuinely addictive self-harm can be, and just how hard it is to stop the cycle.
By Nicole Crossno
Borderline Personality Disorder, what a wild ride,
Emotions swirling like an unpredictable tide.
One moment soaring high in skies so blue,
The next crashing down, feeling lost and subdued.
Abandonment fears and trust issues I face,
Navigating relationships at my own pace.
But amidst this emotional strife that ensues,
Creativity colors my life with vibrant hues!
Impulsive actions may sometimes take hold tight,
Yet empathy runs deep within me day and night.
With therapy and support by my side each day
Hope shines bright on this challenging pathway.
Let's spread awareness through humor we employ
And break stigma surrounding BPD with joy!
Together hand-in-hand as we navigate anew,
We'll conquer obstacles, our spirits renewed!
ABOUT DONNA: Donna Crossno, also known as Nicole, is a 30-year-old poetry writer from Fort Smith, Arkansas and seeking BA in Psychology. Since the age of 10, she has bravely navigated mental health disorders while raising three children and being happily engaged. Her personal struggles have fueled her passion for writing that delves into themes of resilience and overcoming adversity. In addition to her creative pursuits, Nicole is a passionate advocate for ending the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Through her poetry, she fearlessly share her own experiences with mental disorders in order to inspire others to seek help without fear or shame. Nicole's advocacy work focuses on promoting understanding empathy,and acceptance towards individuals facing mental health challenges in society. She uses her talents as tools for change by sparking conversations that destigmatize mental illness. Her goal is to foster compassion, support, and awareness among those affected by it. Nicole firmly believes in creating an inclusive environment where everyone can feel seen, valued, and understood on their journey toward healing. This commitment drives her efforts advocating for better resources treatment options and education about mental health issues.
By Valentina Fulginiti
Once a day
on average
my memory
sucker-punches me
like a man
hard on its luck
sunburnt skin
raggedy shirt
cheap plastic sandals
an iris of color
in his UV sunglasses
caught stealing
lukewarm beer
from dusty aisles
of a bodega
surrounded by
intermittent signs
flashing OPEN
stenciled in red
enamel letters.
on the floor
I go. I catch
my breath
on unsteady
as roaring gasps
of laughter
surround me
((on air))
as I become
the star
of the show.
This is a slap-
stick comedy
and I am the punch-
And as I glide
and slide
and slip
((more laughter))
and can’t seem
to get a grip
I pray
nobody I know
will ever see
knocked down
flat to the ground
in the raging
neon light
of the truth
and believe
that this
is the real me.
ABOIUT THE POEM: "This poem details what it feels like to have vivid flashbacks on a regular basis. Flashbacks and other reexperiencing symptoms (dreams, nightmares, intrusive thoughts) are a hallmark feature of PTSD. The poem tries to represent this experience, as well as the feeling of existential loneliness and pervasive shame associated with the legacy of my own child abuse, a secret I kept hidden for way too long."
ABOUT VALENTINA: Valentina was born in Bologna (Italy) in 1983. She is a literary scholar and an educator currently living and working in Ithaca, New York. Her poetry detail personal experiences with mental illness, and the recovery journey she is currently embarking on.
By Ethan Boyd
A hazy dreadful landscape
There in the midst the tower looming
The place was limbo, no escape
From that vision now resuming
Toward the tower tall I flew
An infinite series of our playing
Through reliving this, my love grew
For you, yet this limbo was weighing
It fell to those denizens much darker
It fell to those corridors of malcontent
I feared this bleakness would leave a marker
And lead you to forever lasting discontent
Down one of many dark corridors did we find
A sight and sound to rob me blind
It was a featureless face
Hovering precariously in the air
At its words, my actions fell from grace
As I foolishly led you there
To yet another corridor small
I lost sight of you completely
For I no longer heard your innocent call
Thus sealed my sordid fate quite completely
Too late did this fate on me dawn
Too late for a father’s redemption
Then I realized the fate I had drawn
For my daughter would be no exemption
Those voices would lead to your fall
But from the darkness came the hall
On one end lie wonderous light
The other end lay darkest night
A moment my mind turned affright
Then those fears turned to might
A though occurred to me then
And as I floated further away
It was for you to decide how and when
To transform that landscape from the gray
It was in those moments of fitful asking
That those forces forcefully did leap
And around my girl the dark was basking
Yet in you it was never to keep
For in that darkness around you lost to light
For nothing can stop my girl should she chose to fight.
ABOUT ETHAN: I am a father of two and a struggling working author. I suffer an undefined mental illness and have since 2018. This poem is about a psychotic dream I had. The following morning I was psychotic for the first time.
By Heidi Hildeman
As an adult, you won't have to live in fear.
Your privacy will be safe, your self advocacy clear. And although he'll still creep into your dreams, you'll have control over so many things. You'll know comfort, and love, and healing. You will learn to love yourself, without regard to anyone else. You will have the power to say no to those who violate you. You will love your own body, and find safety within it. You will know your feelings are valid. You will still question life and the meaning of things, but you'll have the freedom to do anything. This child you are will heal when you're grown, and you will be self assured on your own.
ABOUT HEIDI: Heidi Hildeman is a 45 year old sexual abuse survivor and a master's student in philosophy at Marquette University. She lives in downtown Milwaukee.
By Oscar Lozano
The face in my mirror’s not mine.
From the skin to the hair,
to the head on my shoulders.
Or sometimes my mind,
the more I get older.
So, I turn off the light
and pray it’s me
I can hide from
in the pantry,
eating to forget
after forgetting to eat.
All the while,
knowing the hole I’m in
is getting deep,
and deeper, yet.
Finally, I lay down in bed
after spending the whole weekend
just trying to sleep.
It’s then that my phone rings
and I see the time,
realizing the whole day
is ahead of me.
ABOUT OSCAR: Oscar is a nineteen-year-old writer from Central Florida. He writes short fiction and poetry, and enjoys painting and reading in his free time. This poem is about the daily struggles of mental health, aiming to capture the slow trickle of thoughts and feelings that can seem so overwhelming in the moment, as well as the disconnect between what a person may think and experience.
By Prudence Sage Massaria
Out of the darkness into the light.
The road a long one. Paths and under-growth
obstruct the way out of the darkness.
Each path more difficult then the one before.
Years and years of time go by.
Out of the darkness into the light.
Youth replaced by wisdom inherent
in living.
Out of the darkness into the light.
The light guides us to the rebirth of a new day.
Out of the darkness into the light;
there is hope.
The Road a long one.
By Cynthia Foss
Light always overcomes darkness, always search for the light because the dark is endless.
Endless struggles…
Endless despair…
endless hopeless…
Endless addition…
Endless depression…
Until you fade into the darkness.
Just a small bit of hope a small light appears, all you have to do is walk towards it.
With each step towards the light you thrive…
you're encouraged…
it brings you hope…
you get sober…
It brings you joy…
Until one day the light shines so bright you no longer see the darkness.
By Anthony Ward
It’s like you’re on a stage
With everyone looking at you,
Laughing at you,
You can’t walk away,
You want to join in
But you can’t,
A deer hypnotised by the headlights
Waiting for the crash,
But there’s no crash,
The crowd fall silent,
Whispering in the darkness.
By Jason Kirk Bartley
My true friends are not the ones who
get me so "high."
But the people who stick around when
everyone else says, "goodbye!"
They donot borrow money that they'll
never repay.
They donot call you bad names.
They accept you, "your way."
They love to bring up your spirit,
when they see you are so low,
and they boost your self-esteem.
Your thoughts they seem to know.
How we go through this life as the social people we are,
finding those special people is like wishing upon a falling star.
When you need your true friends,
they will always be near,
to give good advice and lend you their ear.
True friends are a blessing.
They want to be there.
And they'll make time to hold you when
you feel beyond repair,
And love you unconditionally when it seems noone else really cares.
True friends grow more precious,
more precious than gold.
They celebrate your victories and watch you grow old.
They are so beautiful,
beautiful in God's sight.
A match made in heaven.
A bright shining light.
By Jordan Claeys
As a seamstress
she treasured her creations
protecting the quality of her skeins
twisting the ends together to keep
from fraying
tucking them into the tangled mess of yarn.
Her meticulous handiwork
that she would bind off confidently
knowing that her splintered fingertips
would warm those of another.
Her patterns were strewn across the room
scattered and haphazardly
she grabbed her needles.
She aimlessly interlocked the shredded fibers
knotting them tightly for reassurance.
Each purl accompanied with uncertainty.
Her slipped stitches rooted in the sweater.
Stuffing the miscreation
in the back of her bottom dresser drawer,
She began to unravel.
ABOUT THE POEM: "I’ve been working on accepting the things I have created and focusing on the accomplishment itself rather than trashing it since it doesn’t achieve perfection. I thought this poem would be a great way to do so."
By Amanda Hancock
Who are you to call an addict a name,
A whisper of shame, a flicker of flame?
With words like a weapon, you pierce through the deep,
Ignorance brews while empathy weeps.
You walk on a tightrope, one misstep away,
from chasms of sorrow where shadows hold sway.
The choices you make, so hasty, it’s true,
are but a breath’s distance from the chaos they brew.
In your sharp-tongued disdain, you overlook pain,
of those ensnared in a heart-wrenching chain.
A disease like a tempest, it rages and churns,
who are you to judge, when compassion still yearns?
For behind every struggle, there’s heartache and strife,
the battles they wage, it’s a fight for their life.
Your mocking can cut, like a knife through the skin,
but remember, dear friend, we’re all frail within.
Compassion is healing - extend it with grace,
for each soul that you shame bears a human face.
Jesus, who walks with the lost and the low,
Embraces the hearts that society won’t show.
So, pause for a moment; reflect before you speak,
For words can forge kingdoms or leave the meek weak.
Let kindness erase the disdain that you wear,
for changing the narrative lightens the care.
In a world where we lash out in fear and in doubt,
let love be the beacon we find to live out.
Who are you to harm when you could instead heal?
Embrace those in struggle - together, we feel.
ABOUT AMANDA: Amanda has suffered consequences of addiction since childhood and has turned that suffering into advocating! She graduates next year from Grand Canyon University to be a Counselor, with an emphasis on addiction, chemical dependency, and substance abuse. She is a student member of the American Psychological Association, a Psych Campus Ambassador at her university, and is involved in three Honor Societies: Psi Chi, Alpha Chi, and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.
Annie Walsh
The summer holidays begin
Exciting fun things planned
Like every boy and girl
Up and down the land
No one could’ve known
The horror to unfold
Evil and a darkness
So callous and so cold
They should’ve been safe
They didn’t stand a chance
So frightened and scared
They only came to dance
Dancing with each other
To their favourite Taylor Swift
Learning each of the steps
Every turn, twist and lift
For Bebe,Alice and Elsie
You’re dancing in the sky
With all of the angels
Above the stars up high
And your friends & teachers
We pray they pull through
And all of us together
Will do what we can do
By Addie Suter
Deep in the forest a willow weeps. She blows whispers of nostalgia and sadness throughout her bright lit green sea. The flowers beneath tickle her bark, trying to ease her bellowing whimper, but the deep sway of her leaves keep her too preoccupied to feel the flowers breath. The light dims on the vibrant forest and the flowers contract their colors, eager to awake from the morning sun; a new morning to brush their delicate hope against the gruff bark. Each morning they are met with the overpowering whispers and the colors close again, a single petal fallen.
ABOUT THE POEM: "I enjoy writing about my experience with depression to help cope and understand it in a creative lens. I think writing allows for different people to relate to the words in whatever way they see fit for their own journey."
By Amelia May Hart
I hate school
Something I say quite often
I hate it, I hate it, I hate it
“School is the worst place I can be I say to myself£
But as soon as school ends what do I do
My days become nothing
I see no one
Js me sitting by myself wondering why I ever complained
I got to see ppl, not talk to them or hang round with them but I got to see them
I had structure
The one thing in the world I cannot live without
I need to be back at school
I need to, I need to, I need to
Then I go back “I can’t wait”, I say to myself
Confused why I would ever think that
I’m back now but I hate it
Being surrounded by ppl who do nothing but judge me
School does nothing for me
I cant focus, I don’t learn anything
I js sit in class trying to work through the storm in my mind
I hate school
I hate it, I hate it, I hate it
By Amelia May Hart
If I put my life in your hands
Bcs I can no longer be trusted to hold it
Will you take it nd solve the puzzle that is my mind
Piece by piece bringing it back together so I can live my life to its fullest
Nd make it ur responsibility
Or will you take it and put it aside
Say you’ll sort it later
Or it’ll be fine
Then forget it exists nd leave it to deteriorate
Till there’s nothing left but my lifeless body
Or will you take it and throw it away
After all it’s not your problem is it
Even if you are the one who broke me in the first place
At the end of the day it is mine
Or will you look me in the eye and say I’m too much
Say I’m not worth it
Or too complicated to even try
After all Im just one out of 4 billion girls that exist
So what is the point if there is only one life to be saved
Or can you just look after it
Can you just take it
Nd let me do all the hard work
That’s all I want
No to be a burden
Or make it your issue
I just want the occasional “ hello, how are you”
While I do the hard work
ABOUT AMELIA: "I am 13 years old, I live in Lancashire with my mum, older sister and my dog Nala. I have struggled with my mental health since November last year and it has affected every part of my life. The hardest bit is helping people around me understand what it's like in my head, and how to help me. I have found writing poems helps me express myself and I like to share them, it might also help other people as I don't want other people to feel how I do, it's important people know they aren't alone."
By Melissa W. Sorgi
Enemy or friend -
Anger -
It dominates , disturbs,
“Normal”, says every therapist.
It ruins, I protest
It frightens my husband, I protest,
makes my baby cry,
urges me to suicide.
“Don’t hide it, uncover it”, urge the therapists.
Wide-eyed, my husband says,
“Bury it in drugs.”
But the therapists say, I start …
“Bury IT!” roars my husband.
“You scare the baby, you disgust me,
It is not normal!”
It scares me too, I want to say,
but Anger begins again.
“No more therapists!” I shout,
“no more drugs!”
Give me time to be me again,
I want to plead.
It scares me too,
But give me time.
Don’t bury me again.
Riley M. Frank
Original thought or a memory?
Too old to be what I ought to have been or be
And too young to enter the oblivion of eternity;
Shakespeare’s Hamlet asked it more simply:
“To be or not to be?”
But then why not, if only to perplex my enemy?
By Kyra Merryman
Today was great. Slow, steady, well-paced. Staying present, so much calmer. Still healing, and so committed. If I could tell me younger self, or anyone, who was so injured, bruised and haunted by depression, I would let them know that healing does not look like what you think it may look like.
It probably has a hundred different faces.
But, I know what it looks like to me, and I know, most importantly, how it feels.
It it acceptance.
Acceptance of it all. I mean all of it. The thoughts, the discomfort, the panic that sets in, but none of the fire and the burn. The burn came from resistance.
My fear of pain made things more painful.
And so often, pain can become so addictive we either think we deserve it so we punish ourselves, or worse, we conjure it up and inflict it to remind us of the cycles that we know, and the conditions that know us best.
We are afraid of change, and our darkness had become our safety.
I believe that is depression: complete darkness and a strong sense of (false) safety.
I believe this is freedom: complete acceptance of light and dark, and the strength that is gained from taking healthy risks.
A few healthy risks:
Self love
Self acceptance
Self forgiveness
I will hold this with me for life:
Would you rather feel the pain of living your past?
… Or the pain of changing for your future?
I am blessed to have been given the challenges I have faced in my young years of life, my young adulthood. It is truly a gift to learn from mistakes, from the harshness of the uncontrollable world, of health challenges, of love and loss, and of self discovery.
At the age of 25, I thought I would never get out of this pit. Or fog, rather, because a “pit” has a depression (pardon the pun), that can be perceived, measures, and overcome with precision, some plan, and some gusto.
But, my depression was a fog, that shrouded me in such thick grays I was afraid to reach out, because I was worried my outstretched hands could not touch any pit or distance to be measured. And my fear would become real, would become fated: this darkness has no end, and I have no exit plan, and no chance of getting out.
Depression is me standing still, clutching my body because it's the only thing that feels like life. But, risk … risk is me reaching out with my feet following afterwards, uncaring about the possible answer that might be met. Risk is me using this one thing that I know to be living (myself, my body) and finding a way “out” by letting myself and love “in.”
It is self love, self discovery, patience, forgiveness, pauses, moments, and movements forward. This energy, when concentrated inwards, into the thing that contains life, contains energy, will inherently output light.
And with your own lantern you begin to realize that this fog is not only bearable and be overcome, but that the way forward (and in all directions) is endless expanse asking you, welcoming you, and encouraging you to move beyond.
This is stepping out of depression.
This is healing.
Earlier last month in June of 2024. My support group buddy introduced me to someone with a lot of wisdom to share. They, too, told me something that I will hold with me forever.
Love your demons, because they are trying to teach you something.
It is a risk to move beyond depression and towards healing. It, too, is a major health risk to repeat patterns of distress, disturbed sleep, disrupted eating habits, absence of exercise, and absence of laughter and love.
Staying in the past only predicts your future to be one in the same.
Healing and approaching a new life is pain as well, the kind you feel when you ache from growth. Regenerative bone and muscular tissue.
Your reward is a new vessel of life (mind, body, soul) that is living proof of persistence and the power to overcome.
With every new life, the birth is one of pain.
And the pain presents birth.
To be alive is to be life. Experience all emotions and thoughts.
Without judgment.
The way forward is not a set, linear path.
The way forward is acceptance and risk …
… and my god, it is love.
ABOUT KYRA: "I am a 25 year old living with OCD (been through hospitalizations, behavioral health programs, support group, medication ... the whole lot). I am here to tell you that we are worth fighting for and loving ourselves is the (one of the) biggest healer. Here is a journal entry I wrote and wanted to share. It is about mindfulness (so difficult for us folks, and THAT is OKAY) and expansion. I hope you can relate and gain something from this, if it isn't just love. From me to you. We got this."
By Hilary Canto
It all seems a blur
childhood to adult
life’s trials, tribulations
challenges and issues
celebrations, commiserations
highest of highs, lowest of lows
Black clouds, Sunshine
rain, snow or hail
life’s maze, the will to prevail
without darkness
I would not know light
without pain
love is not a gain
life my teacher
greater than school
its gifts an artist’s palette
colouring my adventure
no one can teach
Wisdom and Grace
nor reveal Truth
staring in your face
I took the spade
I started digging
created space
where new could replace
the worn out me I thought I was
and like the seed germinates in soil
the real me sprouted
I grew from the toil
my buds came forth
blossomed in the sun
the cycle of life now begun
death and rebirth
each new bloom
given room
to keep on shedding
keep on growing
living the journey
the circle of life
in finding me.
By David M White, PhD
When anxiety's dark force does beset the mind,
A guiding power it holds, your actions to design.
A maze of worries and fears does whisper loud,
A call to action, lest you be enslaved by crowd.
Yet, in darkest emotions, wisdom does abide,
A beacon of hope, to guide you through life's tide.
By facing fears and hopes, you tap the force divine,
That drives you to act, and problems to define.
Peace and calmness lie in solving life's plight,
And embracing emotions, rather than repression's night.
False escapes and fleeting joys, born of anxiety's sting,
To be shun, lest they ensnare, in gambling, drink, or sexual ring.
And find sustainable love in problem resolution's sun.
Through this journey, wise guidance of emotions does shine,
A strength to face life's challenges, and a blessed soul to design.
The sting of anxiety can be soothed, and peace restored,
To your inner self, in harmony and accord.
ABOUT THE PIECE: "This piece is a contemplative exploration of the intricate relationships between emotions, perception, and personal growth, delving into the complexities of the human experience and revealing how emotions can guide us towards self-discovery and understanding."
By Dionne Risley
I could just sit and wonder, trying to work it out
So many unanswered questions , what is my life about?
Trying to figure out, thoughts and feelings in my head,
Hour after hour just laying in my bed.
These thoughts they drive me crazy, just overload my brain
And leave me with a feeling , confusion mixed with pain.
At times I think my life is a constant struggle uphill
I need to stop, tell myself, it will get better, I know it will
God gives his toughest battles, to his soldiers who are strong
He is greater than all of us, surely he can’t be wrong.
So onwards I’ll keep marching, as positive as can be
Taking this life one day at a time,and see what is thrown at me.
Each morning I write a list, of what i am grateful for
To remind myself of what I have , even though I often want more.
One foot in front of the other, and with every passing day
I’ll find the strength within me, to move obstacles in my way.
If I keep on marching, head up, strong as can be
Im sure God will keep his promise, do his best to look after me.
So for now I’ll just be thankful, for the day that I have had
And leave behind the many thoughts, the ones that drive me mad.
And once again, as I close my eyes, another day is done
Drifting off to sleep thinking, another battle I’ve won.
ABOUT THE POEM: "My poems are based mainly on my own personal experiences and struggles mainly with mental health and relationships. I have suffered with mental health issues throughout my life, and still do, this has led to other issues such as addiction. I find writing a form of therapy which helps - more than I can put into words."
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