Carrying on with my day
Thinking I am doing better, okay.
Then something happens,
Often small
To remind me,
I am not okay at all.
I slow down, breathe for a moment
And I stumble and I fall.
Enfeebled by the weight of my
Melancholy. Drowning in the
Pointlessness of my days.
Tortured by the
Yawing left by death.
Hard balls of rusted iron rope
Knotted deep in my stomach
Serrated claws in my head
Tearing at my brain
Nails constantly, mindlessly
Picking holes in my skin
Hard and taught my tongue
firms up my mouth
Breaths come quickly, if at all
lungs hardly filling up
Truths jammed in my throat
Not letting me swallow
Eyelid twitching to a restless beat
Bone on bone grinding in my jaws
Heart hammering on my ribs
Shoulders aching and muscles popping
Tortured thoughts in my mind
Tumbling over each other to be heard
Startling at the slightest sound
I remember the
damp and cold from
the hard concrete step,
chilling my body.
There was no wind, just stars
in ink black sky.
It would have been
beautiful, if we
weren’t laden with grief.
Sitting in a silent scream,
we would have split
a bullet that night.
Now I am glad
we didn’t.
Bashed my head off the fridge door yesterday
Broke that magnet from the holiday before
Predictably the door was slammed
Disgustingly the plate was smashed
Left an imprint of teeth on my own skin
Dented the toaster on the kitchen sink
I am the lamb and the slaughter
The myth and the monster
A flame breathed vicious creature lurks inside me
A pit and a pendulum of my own design
Punishment and damnation I must deserve
But if I gave love there instead, what would I learn?
I know every story needs a villain
But I promise you I don’t fit the part.
Villains are strong, mean, callous and cold.
I only built walls to protect my heart from your hurt,
Stopped wasting my words on your deaf ears
And turned my back on your condemning gaze.
Though these things looked the same to you,
They are not in my heart.
I wasn’t mean, I was surviving.
I needed love, not ostracising.
ABOUT THE POEMS: "In July 2019 my second baby died suddenly and unnecessarily. My whole world changed. I never felt the same, saw the world the same, or loved the same again. I have struggled with PTSD, depression, anxiety and OCD since then. Writing has helped me process her loss, accept my mental health problems and find my place in the new world around me."
My inspiration comes from tragedy and difficult thoughts and visuals I have, that turn into lines that I cannot get out of my head until I write them down. Some poems are written quickly in a few hours, some I rework until they feel right to me. I write anonymously under the name Poisoned Poetry, as what I wrote was poisoned by my grief, mental health problems, emotional and relationship struggles.
Instagram: @poisonedpoetryuk
@Poisoned Poetry
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