Featured Poetry - October 2024

Featured Poetry - October, 2024


By Vatsala Radhakeesoon

When at 5, your mum dropped you at

primary school and on the first day you still cried,

a bossy teacher grabbed your hand

and pointed at the round-faced girl

whose pigtails looked neat

and cheeks all-dry,

you felt her big teeth- grin was placid, dull

but to the eyes of adults was framed brave;

You felt something within your behaviour


At 12, when you battled Vitiligo whims,

during recess-time, a few friends bullied you

with their sharp knifed- lines,

“grey streaked -hair and old wrinkled cow-skin,

no boyfriend to catch the eyes”,

you hid yourself in the classroom,

stopped playing 

and preferred dreaming in pop music magazines;

You felt something in your body


As an adult, amidst a management training session,

you rushed to the wash-room,

glanced at yourself in the mirror

and let the tears well down your faded dimples,

“That job is not for me, All Money, No Humanity”,

you let the voice in you yell;

You felt something in your mind

sank -shrank

You became a writer,

and when you joined a group of authors

for book signing sessions,

you thought that was where you belonged,

but their intellectual show off or egos 

coupled with 21st century social media’s

self-hero worshipping 

and their thirst for fame, name, money

and no shame,

labelled you as “too sensitive, engrossed in your trauma”;

You said it was a cry for help

but they shrugged, priding their better worth;

You felt something in your heart


All throughout life stages, pinpointed as 

the HSP* and the society blaming you as some

weak, cowardice -sin,

you finally became who you were meant to be


You walk alone,

You work individually,

You create depth in your solitary refuge,

Yet you always stand up for the ones

sincerely in need of help,

You feel the pain of all,

even the ones who once hurt you,

You bear no grudge

You no longer carry the obsolete cliché 

of sensitivity being insane,

You go on,

You are unstoppable

You are an empath.

* HSP – Highly Sensitive Person

ABOUT THE POEM: "Being an HSP from childhood to adulthood, I have often been reproached by many people of being “too sensitive " and they have advised me to be tough skin. Thus, till my early 30s I kept believing being highly sensitive was a flaw and that gave me some inferiority complex. However, my whole perception of myself changed after I read the book , The Highly Sensitive Person by the clinical research psychologist and author, Elaine Aron. In that book, the writer emphasizes that we should consider being an HSP as a quality and channel it in the right direction in our daily lives. I have written this poem based on my own personal experiences and for other HSPs who have crossed my path."

ABOUT VATSALA: Vatsala has been writing poems for more than 30 years and she is the author of numerous poetry books. She is also an abstract artist and likes to experiment various possibilities that bless Art. Vatsala is a literary translator and currently lives at Rose-Hill, Mauritius.

Blog: https://booksbyvatsalaradhakeesoon.wordpress.com


By Martin Embree

I’m just a lost tumbling weed

A lonely tumbleweed

From neon lights, jackpots, and greed

Winds brought me to Oklahoma

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Seldom forcing a persona

Tulsa is where I found myself

I accepted myself

Stopped drinking from the bottom shelf

Not like other bushes, I burn

I learned to love the burn

Should probably show more concern

I’m still just a tumbling weed

A blazing tumbleweed

I’m happy, I cry, I still bleed

Once they see my flame, they fear me

Complete strangers fear me

Once they know they don’t come near me

To survive, I hide my fire

Do you fear my fire?

Am I a weed or barbed wire?

All I am is schizophrenic

Yeah, I’m schizophrenic

Living honest and authentic

Uh huh I’ll keep on tumbling

Through the mud tumbling

Getting dirty feels humbling

I told everyone my illness

I live with my illness

All words gone, an eerie stillness

Moments of silence are found few

The ones I trust are few

It would be hell if they all knew

Lost in fantasy and what’s real

Why is the stigma real?

I’m forced to be stronger than steel

My flowers made of fire bloom

I roll around in bloom

Warding away the lurking gloom

People say I shouldn’t have kids

For what I’ll give my kids

Thoughts like that lead me to the skids

Who can I find and call my own

I’m stranded on my own

As if destined to be alone

The world will never understand

How can they understand?

The struggle keeps my fire fanned.

I can be a ball of fire

I’m sage that found fire

A guiding light, not a pyre

Frightened, tortured, I denied it

At first I denied it

She died, then I couldn’t hide it

After my older sister died

My denial died

We pulled the plug, I barely cried

Her hands curled, my eyes blurred with tears

It’s been years I’ve shed tears

Only real feeling are my fears

I confess, I’m a tumbleweed

A bright traveling weed

Going wherever the winds lead

When you go tumbling around

You learn to get around

Every direction is homebound

When grief descends it’s dark at night

I burn with the stars at night

Don’t pity my plight

I’m here right where I need to be

Wherever that may be

Still burning, still hurting, still me

You know I’m just a tumbleweed

Strange for a tumbleweed

The dry desert is all I need

No chains on me, I’m freed

ABOUT THE POEM: "I’m was reading through a book on poetry forms and discovered the blues poetry format. For fun, I started writing blues about my experience with my mental illness."

ABOUT MARTIN: Martin works as a mental health technician in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He lives with schizophrenia and is a tech in the same facility he was in-patient years ago. He began writing poetry as a coping mechanism.


By Dan Healy

When it comes, the days won’t end,

As morning lyes come longer,

When the mirror on your beside

Grows a good bit taller.

When the windows creak and push

With gentles winds and whispers,

When the light grows gently dim

And evenings grow some quicker.

When the haze now gently falls

And pounds on your two eyes,

The sky stays tall, as it won’t fall

As moonlight follows sunrise.

ABOUT DAN: Dan is a PhD Chemistry student at the University of Manchester, who enjoys writing poetry on the themes of mental health, their Irish cultural background and the occasional bit of science and nature. The poem when it comes details how dramatic seasonal changes in Northern Europe can have a profound effect on mental wellbeing. The poem has been adapted to a third person perspective from its original writing to highlight the wisdom that can come from navigating these challenges.


By Tadgh Quill-Manley 

Pain that rips across my head

Like a bullet in the sky

Other problems are the cause

Answers to which belie

Clearly it’s not straightforward

As a multi-faceted mind plight

The road still being navigated

With no clear end in sight

What does it take, one wonders

To strip me from this shell

I must somehow battle endless angst

And fight my way out of this hell

The tendency to go insane

Is soothed by the sounds of drops of rain

Providing consolatory solace to

The prison in my brain

On an excursion of investigation

To a solution momentous

A dilemma once explored by Freud

My ‘non compos mentis’

Healing, a path

Will take much time

Dealing with each of the root causes

Obstacles, I’m yet to climb

Bearing little room for pauses


By Annie Walsh

Is a very hard truth 

This tale that I tell 

The lies and denial

I told them so well

In so much pain 

Wished it’d end 

Heart’s in pieces 

Unable to mend 

I look all around 

The world carries on 

I want to scream 

“Am I the only one ?” 

Have a large drink 

I start to feel numb 

Drowning my demons 

Let’s have some fun 

But as dawn begins 

The pains still there 

So I start it again 

Drink till I don’t care 

I am so much fun 

In all that I do 

Going out after work 

For just one or two 

But I can’t keep it up 

This pain that I hide 

I must come to terms 

With my demons inside 

But first I must face 

A long hard goodbye 

To the crutch I used 

For most of my life 

No more glasses raised 

For whatever excuse 

Goodbye my Prosecco 

And the pink gin too 

So bloody frightened 

Don’t know what’s ahead 

But I do have to grieve 

For those who are dead 

So I tread lightly 

And I open my heart 

With every small step 

At least that’s a start 

And one day at a time 

Surrounded by love 

I’ll cry for those angels 

In the heavens above 

And though I’m in pain 

My hearts broke in two

I am stronger each day 

Every step I get through 

This journey is so hard 

The loss is raw and real

But I’m proud of myself 

For emotions I now feel 

So I will take every day 

On this journey of mine 

As the blessing it is 

And just know I’ll be fine


By Anonymous

Picture a statue of a black butterfly lined with diamonds and pearls,

sat on top of steel, cold and hard,

as growth and change and rebirth are constantly promised,

but the weight of the world is a hydraulic press, and as the pressure bears down,

broken pieces fly in all directions,

with goggled eyes directing the machine,

and the noise drowning out the pain of some,

and others will be amused by the shatter.

Who knows how many broken butterflies the world will produce?

There are those who think souls may benefit from the breaking,

but the true outcome is yet to be seen,

and things may be exactly what them seem,

at least some of the time, but could still be flipped upsidedown,

as some find themselves lost together,

and punished and broken in the same ways,

but those weary brains and souls can

affect some change,

no matter how foggy they've become,

so who knows what can be accomplished by the seemingly dark and squashed.

You may see those butterflies fixed by magic,

and see them fly upwards towards peace,

just to show their wings still work,

and that they refuse to stay crushed.

Don't let anyone keep you crushed and shattered,

go mend and fly, you beautiful dark diamond crusted butterflies.


By Reuben Scott

Angels are amongst us,

in every shape and form,

sent to us with reason,

protect us from lifes storms.

I was truly blessed the moment,

an angel stood before my eyes,

a natural form of beauty,

a day that changed my life,

I can't express the sadness,

for all she left behind,

one thing that I can assure,

every day that passes by,

treasured memories stay with us,

our angel, that always shines.


Dr Sabrina Rubin

Don’t leave me alone

Monster is behind me

Deep darkness on the sky

Fear playing with hyperactive amygdala

Counting the breath in every inhale

Tremor, sunken eyes, dry throat

Impatient soul asks forgiveness 

It's the game of freedom and ignorance

Death knock on my window

Growling acidic stomach, no hunger

Unrest mind talks with tired soul

World end up with bang

Coming through my auditory tube

Fear posses on me

Nervous breakdown is on the way

No work, no talk, no play

No grip to hold reality

Suffocating knot on my neck

Sitting tight on my bed

Went out to calm me again

Fail to describe what happens

Vertigo takes me to shifted gravity

Pulling me right or left

Its for me really a threat

Ocean of mind touches the hill

Sometime steady, sometimes crazy

Starts the day with this same

I never want this happen to me again.


By Sasha Irwin

Where am I, I say to myself?

How did I get here?

I look around 

People screaming down the halls 

Talking to the walls 

I can't remember the drive in the cop car 

I don't remember why I was taken here 

I am more fearful than before 

Someone pushes me 


I don't feel safe

I want to get out of here I scream

Then the needle

I am threatened with restraints

I grow weak 

I am tired 

I lay my head down on the pillow 

So sleepy 

I can feel the Haldol

Close my eyes 

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for me

As tears drop from my eyes 

I'm better now as years went by

I can rest my head on my pillow and

The tears I shed now are tears of joy 

I am happy to be well

ABOUT THE POEM: "This poem is about me coming out of a very sick time. It's hard for people to believe that used to be me. I am well now and that is all that matters."


By Paulette Hampton

I’m fasting away my days

My breath is sweet with hollowness

and my sour skin is stretched thin

I gorge on the things that will break me

And turn my nose up at what nourishes my soul

The empty feasts fill me with nothing

Yet I go back for seconds and thirds

my body is frail from lack of substance

although I am full from a bloated ego

that continues to feed on the unnecessary things

as though they were so very necessary

as though they were manna itself come down from heaven


By Donna Crossno

The weight of the world, a heavy disguise,

Reflecting in sadness, in tear-filled eyes.

A mind in turmoil, a heart in despair,

Whispering doubts, "It's just unfair."

You blame yourself, for the struggles you face,

The battles within, the relentless pace.

But darling, listen, with an open heart,

It's time to forgive, a brand new start.

Release the shackles of self-condemnation,

Embrace compassion, find liberation.

Mental illness, a storm you endure,

Not a weakness to punish, but a path to procure.

Forgive yourself, for the days you retreat,

When shadows linger, and joy can't compete.

It's okay to stumble, to falter, to fall,

Embrace the journey, and rise above it all.

Treat yourself kindly, with gentle embrace,

Nurture your spirit, find solace and grace.

Seek support's embrace, a helping hand,

Together you'll rise, strong and grand.

For within your heart, resilience resides,

A strength untapped, where hope presides.

Embrace your journey, with courage and might,

Forgive, love yourself, and step into the light. 

ABOUT DONNA: Donna Crossno, also known as Nicole, is a 30-year-old poetry writer from Fort Smith, Arkansas and seeking BA in Psychology. Since the age of 10, she has bravely navigated mental health disorders while raising three children and being happily engaged. Her personal struggles have fueled her passion for writing that delves into themes of resilience and overcoming adversity. In addition to her creative pursuits, Nicole is a passionate advocate for ending the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Through her poetry, she fearlessly share her own experiences with mental disorders in order to inspire others to seek help without fear or shame. Nicole's advocacy work focuses on promoting understanding empathy, and acceptance towards individuals facing mental health challenges in society. She uses her talents as tools for change by sparking conversations that destigmatize mental illness. Her goal is to foster compassion, support, and awareness among those affected by it. Nicole firmly believes in creating an inclusive environment where everyone can feel seen, valued, and understood on their journey toward healing. This commitment drives her efforts advocating for better resources treatment options and education about mental health issues.

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