Interview with Antonio (Resilient Replayer)
"I have CPTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), depression and anxiety. Also have learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Irlen Syndrome and Autism. I've never been ashamed of having these issues, and very vocal about it in full."
Read Antonio's interview here ...
Interview with Traci Neal
Traci struggled with anxiety a lot as a teenager and in her twenties. She realized a lot of her anxiety stemmed from how she process things and her childlike behavior. She desperately wanted love and acceptance, and was an easy target to be bullied. The bullying was so bad that she attempted suicide several times at 13. At age 16 she was in a domestic violent relationship, and at aged 20 she was raped. Traci was finally diagnosed with ADHD and autism at age 34, and has found help and support through religion and poetry.
Read Traci's interview here ...
Interview with Tinamarie Cox
"Cutting out the toxicity of my family of origin was more beneficial than I could have imagined. To say it was painful to recognize, acknowledge, accept, and leave my unhealthy roots behind would be an understatement. However, it was completely necessary for my healing and growth into my authentic self. All my life I had believed I was the problem and sacrificed who I was in order to feel some semblance of love ... now I know otherwise."
Read Tinamarie's interview here ...
Interview with Kelly Maida
Diagnosed with anxiety, PTSD and OCD, Kelly was physically and mentally abused to the point where she would freeze. She remembers being pushed down stairs, hit with metal sauce pan and other objects, and of constantly being afraid of saying the wrong thing. She thought she was damaged beyond repair, but through therapy, writing and poetry she has made huge changes in her life, and looks forward to a positive future.
Read Kelly's interview here ...
Interview with Hilary Canto
Hilary struggles with deep sadness around her family and childhood, past medical trauma and sexual experiences, the loss of her baby, and the suicide of her brother. Poetry provides the platform to voice her fears, anxieties, thoughts, emotions, experiences and observations, and to help heal - there is no greater healer than the inner voice.
Read Hilary's interview here ...
Interview with Alison Lake
As a child Alison suffered from depression, insomnia, and fits of mania. She was a lonely and misplaced child - even though she had a twin sister - and never felt understood or listened too. She now knows that she had childhood-onset bipolar disorder, exacerbated by sexual abuse by her paternal grandfather.
Read Alison's interview here ...
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