Bang, bang, you’re dead!
It had been so easy to play
Cowboys and Indians
With my childhood friends
Bang, bang you’re dead
Only meant fun and games
Watching my companions
Pretend to die in agony
In old age I bought a real gun
Thinking I’d rather be dead
Than incapacitated
mentally or physically
Dying in real agony
If illness claimed me
With one pull of the trigger
I could determine my fate
But then I thought of my grandchildren
Would they find my blood stained body?
Would they wonder why I abandoned them?
No, I couldn’t do it
The gun was a horrifying selfish way out
Perseverance to the end
Was the only acceptable exit
Love will carry me through
The gun was dutifully sold and
Bang, bang you’re dead
Was no longer a viable option
Under the eaves in the attic
Hidden in an antique box
I discovered an old photo today
The picture was a catalyst for
Remembered joy and painful longing
My heart ached to fly back to that
Time and place once again
The starry night had lasted til dawn
Was it really you and me
Your arm wrapped around
my shoulder, holding me close
Together becoming an organic whole
My youthful innocence and passion tore
Through the static photo paper
Gripping my splintered heart
Crushing the life out of
My altered aged visage
Your young loving face forever lost
Wasn’t I blessed
Wasn’t I cursed
Left hanging on with agony
To the outside
Of the empty box
ABOUT THE POEMS: "'Bang, Bang, You’re Dead!' deals with my fear of getting old and sick, and 'Under The Eaves' tells of the grief I feel because my husband died when he was quite young."
Jane H Fitzgerald.
THANK YOU to the following people who have donated to Poetry For Mental Health: Barbara Rivers, Rabi Mariathasan, Duane Anderson, John Zurn, Sandra Rollins,
Braxsen Sindelar, Caroline Berry, Sage Gargano, Gabriel Cleveland, April Bartaszewicz, Patricia Lynn Coughlin, Hilary Canto, Jennifer Mabus, Chris Husband, Dr Sarah Clarke, Eva Marie Dunlap, Sheri Thomas, Andrew Stallwood, Stephen Ferrett, Craig Davidson, Joseph Shannon Hodges, John Tunaley, and
Patrick Oshea.