When I’m engulfed by disorder
I remember only the echo of feelings,
Wishing they could reach me,
Settle upon me like the warmth of the sun
After the clouds have parted.
My mind’s like fallen leaves,
Stirred by the breeze into a tumult of distractions,
That divert me from the direction I want to take,
Haunted by a future that might never happen.
I wish I could take my mind off things,
Like taking a kettle of the boil,
Stop it from screeching with thoughts
Spilling over and scolding me.
Pouring over them
With ground up aggression,
Pent up with an adrenaline rush
That stalls me from sleeping.
ABOUT THE POEMS: 'Disorder' and 'Boiling Point' were written in relation to when I find myself having to fight against threatening thoughts, having lost the stability of inner peace.
Why have I anxiety when I’m not anxious.
Why am I full of fear when I’m feeling fine.
Why am I restless when I’m at peace with the world.
Is something playing on my mind,
A song instead of the soundtrack.
Why am I strange when everyone’s stranger.
I sail through the tumultuous crowd
Swayed this way and that,
Manoeuvring myself against waves of people
That crash into me
Causing my head to spin,
As I try to shed light in the darkness
To leading people away from hitting rock bottom.
ABOUT THE POEM: I wrote this as a response to the times when I may feel anxious for no apparent reason.
Why am I down? You ask,
After putting me down.
I’d managed to lift my head from the pillow,
Like the sun on the horizon.
Rose from my bed, stretching,
Like the sun pulling itself above the hills.
All full of light, beaming from ear to ear,
Feeling the heat of the moment.
Boiling with optimism with the bubbling kettle,
Before stepping out in the street with a spring in my step,
Where you passed over me like a black cloud,
With a downpour of abuse,
Encouraging the depression you so deeply despise.
Those who that think there’s no issue with mental health,
Are the issue!
Those who can’t keep themselves to themselves-
Who have to impose themselves on those who can.
Implying that mental health does not exist,
That’s it’s a put on for attention,
Until we’re left running mad
Like the man at the end of Body Snatchers,
Ranting and raving,
With nobody listening,
Only hearing what they can see.
The cold front of a crowd closes in,
Pushing beneath the warm front I bring,
Pelting me with ignorance,
The wind contorts in my stomach,
Clouding my mind
Becoming overcast with grave thoughts
Hailing from within,
Raining down,
A brooding storm approaching with thunderous thoughts
Until I’m struck down
And it all becomes clear again
As I hear the blackbird sing.
ABOUT THE POEMS: 'Under The Weather', 'Seeking Attention' and 'Forecast' were written to convey the frustration of the difficulty of trying to overcome the pressures of mental health while being thwarted by the unnecessary provocation of insensitive people.
THANK YOU to the following people who have donated to Poetry For Mental Health: Barbara Rivers, Rabi Mariathasan, Duane Anderson, John Zurn, Sandra Rollins,
Braxsen Sindelar, Caroline Berry, Sage Gargano, Gabriel Cleveland, April Bartaszewicz, Patricia Lynn Coughlin, Hilary Canto, Jennifer Mabus, Chris Husband, Dr Sarah Clarke, Eva Marie Dunlap, Sheri Thomas, Andrew Stallwood, Stephen Ferrett, Craig Davidson, Joseph Shannon Hodges, John Tunaley, and
Patrick Oshea.