For all those carry
A burden or load,
I say this while
You walking down
The road.
There's always help
And also hope,
For those who are
Struggling to cope.
With doctors and therapy,
And online C.B.T.
Which have all
Helped my family.
So that proverbial
Has definitely got
A light,
I hope your future
Turns out as very
Very bright.
Going thru psychosis
Isn't very good,
You don't know
Who you are
Or act like you should.
You think you see demons
Or relatives not there,
They want to get
Inside you
And you haven't
Got a prayer.
You think people
Out to get you
Are conspiring
With a plan,
To try and
Ruin your life
The best way
That they can.
But alas although
This does seem real
I tell you it is not,
Its cos your
Not very well
And your meds
You have forgot.
So go and see
The doctor
He has the mode,
Hopefully to get
You on the
Right road.
Is there a stigma
With the mentally ill,
I've heard them say
Nutter hasn't
Taken his pill.
I've heard
Here comes
The loony
Come out for
The day,
His like jack
From shining
Is what I
Hear them say.
But the days
Of asylum
Are gone for good
So treat them
Like a human
As I know
You could.
Cos they are
Just not very well,
So this is no
Excuse to put
Them thru that hell.
So this is what I
Say to you,
Treat them like
You treat yourself
Its the only humane
Thing to do.
ABOUT THE POEMS: I like to write about mental health to educate others, as there are lot of people out there that don't realise what other people go through with their mental health. I have experienced living with someone with mental health challenges as my late husband's was diagnosed bi-polar.
THANK YOU to the following people who have donated to Poetry For Mental Health: Barbara Rivers, Rabi Mariathasan, Duane Anderson, John Zurn, Sandra Rollins,
Braxsen Sindelar, Caroline Berry, Sage Gargano, Gabriel Cleveland, April Bartaszewicz, Patricia Lynn Coughlin, Hilary Canto, Jennifer Mabus, Chris Husband, Dr Sarah Clarke, Eva Marie Dunlap, Sheri Thomas, Andrew Stallwood, Stephen Ferrett, Craig Davidson, Joseph Shannon Hodges, John Tunaley, and
Patrick Oshea.